Get to know Carrie
Remember the kid who knew what they wanted to do from a young age?
I realized when I was 19 that I wanted to work in education. As a student at Berry College majoring in English and minoring in theatre, I fell in love with all aspects of campus life, from organized activities to developing deep friendships with my peers. College was truly magical and transformational for me—just like they say. This former student body president set about to have a career working with college students. I have enjoyed being a senior leader in higher education ever since.
Leadership development and personal growth of my clients are at the heart of my professional purpose.
I am a self-proclaimed Leadership Nerd! Higher education has provided the perfect training ground for my passion in leadership development. I love the lightbulb that comes on when a leader sees how the dynamics of the group are at play – and sees just what their followers are craving. I remember times when that happened to me, both as leader AND follower, and the energy is invigorating!
I’ve been honored to serve the mission of education, inside the classroom, on the campus quad, and in the boardroom.
I have been devoted to serving student well-being, ensuring diverse access and fostering intellectual growth of professionals and students. I have been at the apex of difficult decisions and transformational change and know what a difference leadership talent can make in those critical decision-making moments. I have enjoyed rich relationships with campus community leaders at all levels. Through the course of my career, I have been honored to serve colleges of all sizes as director, assistant dean, faculty director, and vice president. After earning my PhD in Education Leadership in 2009, I served as the senior executive for student affairs at two different institutions, and I designed and created an academic program in Leadership Studies. I enjoyed several years in the classroom with students, learning from them as I taught important concepts that they would carry on into their careers.
Why did I become an executive and professional coach?
Enriching talent in professional staff is the way I serve students best. I have had the pleasure of supervising and mentoring dozens of people as I served higher education institutions in the last 25 years. I loved nurturing my professional staff and their successes, and I noticed that frequently my day’s success stories centered on the accomplishments and challenges of mentoring others. When we get the mentoring and coaching we need as professionals, our students always reap the benefits.
Felix the Chief Happiness Officer (CHO)
Felix has been CHO at Carrie Lovelace Petr Coaching & Consulting since the beginning! This sweet little guy provides positive role modeling and support to everyone involved in the practice, from clients to colleagues. His key role is to dole out joy to the CEO (and clients). Other job responsibilities include making passing appearances in meetings, improving office morale, keeping strict account of snack breaks, and dozing appreciably in his fluffy blue chair by the window.
Folks often ask about Felix’s breed and personality. As a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, Felix views everyone as his friend. He always sees the best in everyone and assumes people have good intentions at heart. For Felix, every new person is a new friend with new stories to tell and new things to learn. (And he wouldn’t mind a tasty snack too!)