Two (Actually) Healthy Ways
to Recharge

The school supply aisle at my local stores are decimated – the only thing left in the art supply bin are the weird off-brand crayons. That can only mean one thing: the hectic first weeks of classes are upon us! The challenging schedule that comes with August and early September – late nights, long days, everything-feels-like-an-emergency – can send your internal self-care monitor into overdrive. You may already be deep into those tough few days – and your team is for sure.
You know how at the end of a long and super-packed day, you just FLOP into a chair and feel like all you want to do is veg out in front of the TV? Or how you can just swan-dive into a pint of ice cream and mindlessly scroll on your phone? Turns out, those are the least effective things to do to your brain and body to recharge (Yep, surprised me too). Instead of numbing your body and mind, consider these two ideas instead:
Wind down at the end of the day in a way that cares for your body and spirit.
You know how you are *supposed to* cool-down after a tough workout to save your aching muscles? Same with your beautiful brain – if you’ve been rushing from thing to thing all day, solving problems and making decisions, you will do yourself a service to let your mind settle slowly rather than crashing all at once. But your over-hyped brain doesn’t know that – hence why you feel the urgency to either stay super-focused OR to sloth out on some binge-worthy show. Better choices are to relax nice-and-easy by doing whatever keeps your mind active, but more slowly. Only you know what your best level-down activity could be, but some of mine include:
- Reading a relaxing beach-read type easy novel
- Playing fetch with Felix
- Prepping a recipe I know by heart
- Doing a word puzzle or sudoku on my phone
- Coloring or other artsy thing
What these activities have in common is that they let my mind settle and then recharge rather than crashing.
Eat like an Adult as much as possible.
When work is busy, it’s easy to reach for convenience foods. And the start of school – between campus activities and parenting/caretaking – is the busiest time of year. Fast foods – even the kinds that “look” healthy – are laden with extra calories. Those extra sugars and carbs are hard on our bodies in the same way that the mental numbing (above) is hard on our beautiful brains.
But seriously, y’all, eating healthy during hectic times is really challenging – I refer to this as “pizza season” on campus. When the people in your life ask you what they can do to help, let them! Ask for some prepped salad and fruit, some protein that you enjoy eating, and keep some healthy foods tucked in your bag.
I am fortunate to personally know two food bloggers – Two! Two actual humans who create recipes of deliciousness! – and I strongly urge you to consider either of the yummies below as treat alternatives to inhaling a bag of Doritos or a bunch of sweets. Both have light prep time, and they are guaranteed awesome. (Bonus: the protein balls are good morning pick-me-ups too.). In the time you would spend in the line for an afternoon coffee, you can make both of these!
No-Bake Pumpkin Balls from Freckle-Faced Foodie (her site has several flavor alternatives!)
Moose Munch Popcorn from An Affair from the Heart (her desserts are to-die-for, FYI)